e-Builts provides state-of-the-art Laser Scanning in conjunction with Construction Photography. However our secret is simplicity of use. Good contractors have long realized that for many reasons all aspects of a project need construction photography. Laser Scan Point Cloud Data is the next logical and useful step. We inexpensively provide point cloud data, photographs and organize that information for ease of use. The e-Builts interface starts with a 2-D plan view of the project. Our software and project specific resolution requirements determine the location of our camera and scanner stations. Overlayed on the plan view are icons which when you mouse-over, access photographs and the laser scan point cloud data of all wall & ceiling conditions at each room of the project.
e-Builts Construction Photography generally involves three dated and indexed rounds at every room of a project.
- Round One – The rough framing, mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP). This is the heart and soul of a project – and it is ALL covered up. Our interface allows the room equipment, fixtures and wall surface to dissolve – showing what a builder or building owner needs to see. Two events occur at this round – photographs and a laser scan. The point cloud data, generated by the laser scan is accessed through our 2-D interface along with the photograph.
- Round Two – The drywall is installed on the walls, but the ceilings are open. From this round you can verify everything from fire-caulking at penetrations, to compression struts on the acoustical ceiling grid.
- Round Three – Completed project photographs. This round provides the reference. Using our patented Thru-View technology you can look through the wall at the underlying conditions. Each of these photographs can be annotated with relevant construction documentation and are measurable.
See automated interface example
The e-Builts approach to Laser Scanning and Construction Photography:
- Measurable photographs or scan data of all conditions on a project.
- 1/8” resolution – you can see any wire, any screw and know where it is.
- Accurate – the location of all framing members and MEP components become known at the click of a mouse.
- Dated – photographs are indexed by date and location in the interface.
- Annotation – RFI’s, delays, architects supplemental instructions and sketches, O & M information can all be called up from the e-builts photograph at the click of your mouse.
- Close-out packages – We have seen pallets of paper based close-out binders that are now being replaced with all of the same information called up from the e-builts photograph at the click of your mouse.
- Insurance claim verification – The fastest way to confirm a claim is to provide photographic proof of what was there. There is little arguing with an accurate and high resolution photograph with dates and multiple views.
- Quality Control – the high resolution photographs provide realtime and backed up evidence of what and how something was built.
- Quality Assurance – Construction Photography shows exactly what was built.
- Laser Scanning provides incredible dimensional accuracy with only a slight increase in cost over our Construction Photography.
For a demonstration of our state-of-the-art As Built Construction Photography CONTACT US by email or at 650-960-3362.